I've been thinking about all of that often lately (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) especially it being the fourth of july!
LIFE: In what seems to be a string of bad luck, or just some HORRIBLE joke, my passenger side door window in my car got broken into AGAIN! it's the third time, seriously people!!! there is NO money in there, haha, buuuut such is life, and I had to purchase a new one on my lovely holiday. Lucky enough I have an absolutely amazing boyfriend who was able to install it for me and save me the extra $85, he's just the best, and as if I wasn't already grateful enough, it started to rain on my way to work today, and having a window was very much appreciated!
LIBERTY: We had an interesting testimony meeting, well, aren't they always? But there were a few that were especially noteworthy and really made me think, The hands of our founding fathers were truly guided by our Father in Heaven when they wrote the Declartaion of Independence and the Constitution, and only under those circumstances could the church have been restored, there is no other country in the world that it would have been able to happen in, and for that I am truly grateful. I am also grateful for the people who risk their lives everyday fighting to assure that those freedoms are not taken away from us, as well as their families. I often ponder how hard it must be to be a military wife/mother, I could not imagine the worry and stress that they must feel in knowing that their loved one may not return, or not being able to know the full details of thier jobs or even their locations, I truly am proud to be an american, to live in this beautiful country in this exciting time and enjoy the freedoms that I have been given...Let Freedom Ring!! I was also so excited that I got to sit with Babe's family during the fireworks, they are great people, and that nephew and niece of his are absolutely the cutest things I have ever seen!! I hope I get to spend lots more time with them real soon!
THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS:I got to teach a lesson to the wonderful girls in our ward last week on President Uchtdorf's talk "Continue in Patience," AND We also had an awesome lesson in Relief Society on Happiness this week based off of the same talk [(see more on both here :)]! It is amazing to me how we always hear just what we need to during lessons, and how we are usually assigned to teach things right in the moment when we can do the most learning from them. I know for sure that that was the case with that lesson, I know I am in desperate need of more patience at the moment and much, much more trust in the Lord's timing. I know deep down in my heart that the blessings I have been promised will come true as long as I am doing everything that I am supposed to. I don't need to worry so much about when, but focus more on what I can do now to make sure that I am prepared for them when they do happen. I am grateful, SO grateful for the amazing people I have all around me, I love Babe, he keeps my heart happy, safe, and strong and builds me up and helps me to become the woman I want to be little by little everyday. I know that the church is true, and I am grateful for its leaders as they provide guidance for us in these latter days. My life, though not always perfect, is beautiful, and I am happy, truly, undeniably happy.
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