Sunday, December 5, 2010

days 21-26

Day 21: A photo of something that makes you happy-

Day 22: A letter to someone who has hurt you recently-
To you who will not be named at the moment but people will certainly discover quickly,
     I fully understand that you are not in the right state of mind, and haven't been for some time now. I understand that you don't have all your sh...crap together, and that you need to take care of yourself before you can possibly care about anyone else. In all honesty I am glad that you have not even mentioned my wedding to me because the last thing I want you to do is get involved. I don't want to hear you go on and on about how your little girl is getting married, nor do I want you to make a scene at any point in time on my big day. But in light of these things, please do not text me and tell me that you miss me. Please stop saying how much we mean to you. Words are just that, words. I have not seen any action behind them in the last 6 or 7 years, and if you don't plan on doing something about it, then I don't need the words either. thanks. OH, and please realize quickly that keeping little brother with you is not helping ANYone but your own conscience. Send him home.

the end.
Day 23: 15 Facts about you

  1. I am engaged to be married to my BEST friend in 2 weeks!
  2. I love my family SOOO much (that includes my future family, oh how i look forward to that!)
  3. I love the gospel and it's teachings, I know that it is true with every fiber of my being
  4. I'm teaching YSA Relief Society for the last time today and I have to admit I'm a little sad
  5. I love my job. If I made a little more money I'd do it for the rest of my life.
  6. I have 4 brother's in Utah that mean the world to me
  7. I love the color purple
  8. I can't wait to go to the temple this coming SATURDAY, I've waited my whole life for this moment
  9. I love my Savior
  10. I am a Daughter of my Heavenly Father with Divine qualities and attributes
  11. I can be ridiculously silly,and I am... about 95% of the time
  12. All I've ever wanted to be is a Mom
  13. I'm a pretty freaking fun babysitter :) haha
  14. I'm going to miss Delaney most when I move out, she's my friend
  15. Despite being 30lbs heavier than my thinnest, I'm in the best shape of my life woohooo!

Day 24: Photo of something that means a lot to you-

Day 25: What is in your purse-
  • wallet
  • red planner
  • journal
  • rubber bands
  • tampons haha
  • a couple pens
  • lip gloss
  • and some gum wrappers
Day 26:A photo of somewhere you've been to-
Salt Lake City/Provo...pretty much the only place that i've been...but it's beautiful and is currently home to
a few of my absolute favvvvoooorrrite people!

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