Friday, January 21, 2011

wife of the year?

NOT!! last night Babe and I were cooking dinner, he was cooking the chicken and my job was the noodles...chicken helper noodles, you know, the kind you only have to add water and the package of seasoning to and it's all good, yeah, those kind. Turns out I'm pretty much the world's worst cook...I burnt the chicken helper noodles!! WHO FREAKIN DOES THAT haha no big deal though, we were able to salvage most of them, and just left the bit that was stuck to the bottom of the pan. On the flip side, somehow Babe thinks it's cute when I do stupid things like that, and it's a good thing, because I do them ALL THE TIME!

here's some honeymoon pics...

our first morning waking up in vegas

the Fashion Show Mall had a full on show in the middle that ran ever 2 hours!

probably one of the most amazing things I've ever seen
even though i was a liiiiitttttllleeeee hesitant at first

my "little boy" wanted to take  a picture with the sphinx :)

we got married!!! ( not really, well, not here)

the lions at the MGM, canooodling

Babe's favorite color M&M is the green one, aparently she's the hottest

we spent most of our time here...

but managed to make it here too, it was absolutely WONDERFUL!!

Tonight is our Temple night  and I'm SO EXCITED!! I'm also thinking we need to stop by sprinkles cupcakes afterwords, I've been absolutely dyyyyiinnnggg to have one :)

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you guys just the cutest newlyweds i've ever seen! :)
