Thursday, March 10, 2011

random thoughts/my body?

a whole lot of randomness comin your way:
  • I got to spend some time this Saturday with a few of my favorite girls (Kayleigh, Janie, and Miss Joelle). Kayleigh and I got our hair done with JoJo at Envy and then we met Jane for lunch at Pizza Nova. I miss spending time with my girls, so it was nice to see them and enjoy their company![ and made me reeeaaalllyyyyy excited to see miss Danielle on the 19th :)] my hair underneath is now red-brown-violet, aka maroon and i LOVE it!
  • Jane and I are coaching Parli-Pro again this year, and it's wonderful! Well, wonderful in the sense that she and I have fun together, and we have a sharp team. The problem is that they know they are smart, and they know that they perform well under pressure...which reminds me a LITTLE  (did you catch that sarcasm?) of us when we were in high school,except they don't have the know-how to back those big heads up! it'll be alright though, we're attempting to teach them everything we've got in our vast arsenal of knowledge, and if they pick up even half of it we should have a state level team on our hands
    • annndddd if we have a state level team...janie and i get to take a trip back up to state conference, oooohhhh the memories THAT will bring back!
  • Silly as it may be, I've been trying to find more "adult" clothes, not old lady clothes, but something nicer than my usual t-shirts to wear on a daily'll be a slow transition (clothes aren't free friends!) but i like what I've got so far and I'm excited
--TANGENT: I get my butt kicked on a regular basis by my hunky trainer of a husband. I'm still not losing weight (even though i've been trying my darndest to eat healthy like a good little girl), but after reading this post on C Jane, that began with this quote--“The body holds meaning. When we probe beneath the surface of our obsession with weight we will find a woman obsessed with her body is expressing a serious concern about the state of her soul.” (Kim Chernin, author of The Hungry Self: Women, Eating and Identity and The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness)-- I had what Miss O would call an "Aha moment" I realized that there is no reason to obsess over my weight. I am a strong, confident  daughter of my Heavenly Father with Divine potential, fretting over things that are beyond my control will not fix them, but will, in fact, further complicate them, and put not only my sanity, but the state of my SOUL in jepardy. Now, I don't know about you, but that right there is not a risk I am willing to take. Don't get me wrong, I want to be healthy, I know that my body is a gift...afterall a whole 1/3 the hosts of heaven don't even get to have one, it's the whole reason that we are here on this earth-TO GET A BODY!!  It is not, however, something that should bring me stress, discontent, or shame. It should bring nothing but JOY! That's the other reason we are here, right? To have JOY?! The two should go hand in hand. So, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing: eating healthy, but not starving myself, and allowing myself certain indulgences every so often [just not all the time]. I'm also going to continue working out with husband AND on my own when he can't be there.  I'll get where I want to be, and in the interm, I'll be happy with what I've got :)


  1. That a girl, and you know what baby girl? You are SO gorgeous and AMAZING and you have a BODY of a GODDESS!

    love you sweet pea

  2. I literally squealed with joy thinking about seeing you so soon when i read this! :D
