Friday, September 14, 2012

Porter James Valle

Here is the story of how our sweet, sweet boy decided to enter this world...more like how he resisted entering this world :)

My due date was July 31st, but that day came and went, and lil man showed no signs of wanting to leave the comfort of my ever growing belly. So the morning of August 5th I called Kaiser Zion and at 8:30am Christian and I headed down to begin my induction. By 9:30 we were all checked in and set up in a room. After my first exam we learned that I was still not dilated at all!! So they started by giving me a dose of Misoprostol--I wont go into how they did that, but feel free to click that lil link if you're interested :)--they said they would give me one dose every 4 hours up to 6 times (for 24hours) until I showed progress, and then they'd start Picocin if my body still hadn't gotten the memo that it was time to get this baby out. I had visitors come and go, but my Pops, and Auntie Kyle were there for most of the was such a blessing to have them there, especially in the evening when the contractions got pretty bad. Around midnight my sweet nurse, Albert, finally convinced me that morphine would help take the edge off the contractions so that I could get some sleep, so he gave me some in my IV for immediate relief, and a shot in my arm for more extended relief. I was able to sleep a little bit after that, but when I got up to go to the bathroom I ended up throwing up [heavy painkillers are NOT my friends!]. Shortly after that the midwife came in to check my progress again, and after an entire day and my 3rd dose of the tiniest pill I've ever seen, I was finally at a 3, and she decided to break my water. Once she did that, and with how powerful the contractions were, I thought things would start moving faster, BUT besides another bout with nausea that resulted in Christian having to run across the room to get the trash can, I was pretty ready for an epidural! I was nervous about getting it, I was afraid it wouldn't work or that it was going to hurt...but it worked and it didn't hurt at all.

From there it still took most of the day for me to be complete. Around 3:30 I was finally at a 10 and they said they would wait until I felt like I needed to push. I was so nervous that I waited a little longer than I probably could have, but once they had me start pushing he was out in 8 pushes!When I told them I was ready they brought Taylor and Delaney into the room and we started...they and Christian were the best cheerleaders I could have possibly asked for and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was amazing to have my sisters there and to be able to share that experience with them; their jobs weren't easy, but they didn't complain and I am so glad that they were able to be there and help me through it! 

At 5:35pm Porter James made his appearance, and I have never felt such an incredible love in my life. Everyone says that no love can ever compare to the love you feel for your own child, but there is no way to explain it until it happens to you. As soon as they put him in my arms it hit me. I am a mother. This was everything I ever wanted.

Throughout my pregnancy and especially while I was in the hospital, I was overwhelmed with the amount of support we were given by our family and friends. After little man was born and everyone got to see him, we were moved into the postpartum unit of the hospital, and stayed there until Wednesday morning when were able to finally take him home!

I feel blessed everyday I get to spend with my little monkey, and though there are times I still can not believe that he is real, I know that he is, that he was meant to come to Christian and I at this time, and that we were meant to be his parents--I know it is a great responsibility, but I am ready. I can not wait to see what the future holds for my little man, but at the same time, I refuse to be one of those people who is constantly waiting for what is next, I want to enjoy every moment while we are in it! 

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cute baby! I'm so glad I got to come visit!!
